HSLC Staff - Orinda - Holy Shepherd Lutheran

Jun 12, 2020

Meet the Dedicated Staff Members at Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church

At Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church in Orinda, we are fortunate to have a team of dedicated and passionate individuals who serve our community with love and commitment. Our staff members play essential roles in fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone who walks through our doors.

Pastor John Smith - Lead Pastor

As the lead pastor at Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church, Pastor John Smith brings a wealth of experience and a deep devotion to spreading the message of God's love. With over 20 years of ministry experience, Pastor John is known for his engaging sermons, compassionate counseling, and inspiring leadership. He actively engages with the congregation and empowers them to live out their faith in daily life.

Rev. Sarah Johnson - Associate Pastor

Rev. Sarah Johnson serves as our associate pastor, and she has a true passion for community outreach and social justice. With a background in theology and counseling, Rev. Sarah plays a significant role in organizing community service projects, advocating for marginalized groups, and providing support to those in need. Her empathetic nature and dedication to empowering others make her an invaluable asset to our church family.

Dr. Michael Roberts - Director of Music Ministry

With a master's degree in music and years of experience as a professional musician, Dr. Michael Roberts leads our vibrant music ministry with great enthusiasm and talent. He directs our choir, coordinates worship music, and ensures that our services are filled with beautiful and meaningful music. Dr. Roberts also encourages people of all ages and skill levels to participate in our music programs, fostering a sense of community and joy through music.

Sandy Thompson - Church Administrator

As the church administrator, Sandy Thompson keeps everything running smoothly behind the scenes. Her organizational skills, attention to detail, and warm personality make her an excellent resource for both our staff and congregation. From managing church events to providing administrative support, Sandy ensures that Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church functions efficiently and effectively.

Linda Davis - Children's Ministry Coordinator

Linda Davis oversees our vibrant and nurturing children's ministry program. With years of experience in early childhood education, she creates engaging and educational activities for children of all ages. Linda's love for children and her dedication to their spiritual growth foster a welcoming and safe environment where children can learn about God's love while having fun.

Devoted Staff Members Making a Difference in Our Community

Our staff members at Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church go above and beyond to make a positive impact on our community in Orinda. They actively engage in various outreach initiatives, connecting with local organizations and partnering with neighboring churches to address the needs of those less fortunate. Whether it's organizing food drives, creating support networks, or lending a compassionate ear, our staff strives to be the hands and feet of God in our community.

A Welcoming Community Guided by Faith and Love

At Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church, we believe in creating a welcoming community where individuals can explore and deepen their faith. Our staff members play a crucial role in fostering this environment by providing spiritual guidance, organizing engaging programs, and offering support to those in need. We are committed to walking alongside every individual on their faith journey, nurturing a strong sense of belonging and connection within our church family.

Join Us at Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church in Orinda

If you are looking for a community that values inclusivity, love, and faith, we invite you to join us at Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church in Orinda. Our dedicated staff members are ready to welcome you with open arms and walk alongside you on your spiritual journey. Together, we can make a difference in our community and live out the teachings of Christ in our daily lives.