Interfaith Roundtable on Anti-Asian Hate

Dec 9, 2020

About The Event

The Cloud Church is proud to host the Interfaith Roundtable on Anti-Asian Hate, a significant event aimed at promoting solidarity and understanding among different communities. This event holds tremendous importance in current times, where we witness an unfortunate rise in discrimination and hate crimes against the Asian community. By bringing together diverse faith groups, we strive to work collaboratively towards a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Date and Venue

The Interfaith Roundtable on Anti-Asian Hate will take place on October 15, 2022 at our dedicated venue, located at 123 Example Street, Cityville. We encourage everyone to participate and contribute to this meaningful dialogue that aims to address and combat the issues faced by the Asian community.


  • Welcome and Introduction - Opening remarks by esteemed community leaders
  • Panel Discussions - Thought-provoking discussions on the root causes and consequences of Anti-Asian Hate
  • Sharing Experiences - An opportunity for individuals to share personal experiences related to discrimination and hate
  • Building Connections - Interactive activities and networking among participants to foster empathy and unity
  • Commitment to Action - Developing actionable strategies to combat Anti-Asian Hate and promote peace

Why Attend?

By attending the Interfaith Roundtable on Anti-Asian Hate, you will gain:

  1. Knowledge and Awareness: Deepen your understanding of the challenges faced by the Asian community and the impact of discrimination.
  2. Community Support: Connect with like-minded individuals, community leaders, and organizations working towards social change.
  3. Empathy and Solidarity: Stand in unity with the Asian community, showing support and empathy for those affected by hate crimes.
  4. Collaborative Solutions: Contribute to developing practical strategies that address and counter Anti-Asian Hate at the grassroots level.
  5. Concrete Action: Leave the roundtable with a clear commitment to taking action in your personal and professional life.

How to Get Involved

To be part of this transformative event, simply visit our website at and register for free. Limited seats are available, so make sure to secure your spot early. Together, we can make a difference in combating Anti-Asian Hate and fostering harmony within our communities.


The Cloud Church invites you to actively participate in the Interfaith Roundtable on Anti-Asian Hate. Our commitment to nurturing understanding, inclusivity, and solidarity lays the foundation for a better tomorrow. Join us as we stand hand in hand, united against hate, and take a step towards creating a more peaceful and equitable society for all.

John Labelle
This event is a powerful step towards unity and mutual respect. Thank you for organizing it.
Nov 8, 2023