Rev Jack Longley: The Cost of Discipleship (10/30/2022)

Jan 1, 2022


Welcome to The Cloud Church, a sanctuary of faith and beliefs in the community. We invite you to join Reverend Jack Longley as he explores the profound topic of the cost of discipleship. In this enlightening sermon, Reverend Longley delves into the challenges and rewards that come with following the path of faith. Read on to gain a deeper understanding of what it truly means to be a disciple.

Understanding Discipleship

Discipleship is a fundamental concept in the Christian faith. It involves the act of following Jesus Christ, not only as a believer but also as a dedicated learner and follower of His teachings. Discipleship requires commitment, sacrifice, and a genuine desire to grow spiritually. Reverend Jack Longley, a seasoned spiritual leader, explores the intricacies of discipleship in this eye-opening sermon.

The Cost of Discipleship

In today's society, the concept of discipleship often gets overshadowed by worldly pursuits. Many individuals find it challenging to prioritize their faith in the face of numerous distractions and obligations. Reverend Jack Longley sheds light on the true cost of discipleship, emphasizing the need to align our lives with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

A Personal Journey

Reverend Jack Longley shares personal anecdotes and experiences throughout his sermon, offering a relatable perspective on discipleship. He illustrates the struggles and triumphs he encountered in his own spiritual journey, encouraging listeners to persevere in their commitment to Christ despite the challenges that may arise.

Challenges and Rewards

Discipleship is not without its challenges. In this sermon, Reverend Jack Longley addresses some of the common obstacles that believers may face when following Jesus Christ. These challenges may include societal pressures, temptation, doubt, and the fear of persecution. However, as Reverend Longley emphasizes, the rewards of discipleship outweigh these challenges.

Inner Transformation

One of the greatest rewards of discipleship is the transformative power it has on an individual's life. By surrendering to Christ and embracing His teachings, disciples undergo a profound inner change. Reverend Jack Longley explains how this transformation can lead to a greater sense of purpose, peace, and fulfillment.

Community Support

The Cloud Church stands as a supportive community for individuals on their discipleship journey. Through fellowship, prayer, and shared experiences, members of The Cloud Church come together to uplift and encourage one another in their faith. Reverend Jack Longley highlights the importance of finding a church family that provides a nurturing environment for disciples to thrive.


Rev Jack Longley: The Cost of Discipleship (10/30/2022) is an enlightening sermon that delves into the true essence of discipleship. Reverend Jack Longley's powerful insights and personal anecdotes offer guidance and inspiration for those seeking a deeper connection with Jesus Christ. Take the first step on your journey of discipleship by joining The Cloud Church, a welcoming community dedicated to fostering faith and beliefs.

Betsy Bentley
Great sermon! 🙏🔥 Truly inspiring thoughts on discipleship.
Oct 11, 2023