Saint Edmund's Episcopal Church in Pacifica, California

Jul 24, 2020

Welcome to Saint Edmund's Episcopal Church!

Looking for a vibrant and welcoming community to nourish your faith and beliefs? Look no further than Saint Edmund's Episcopal Church in Pacifica, California. As a part of The Cloud Church, we are committed to providing a spiritual home that embraces diversity, fosters growth, and nurtures the soul.

Our Mission

At Saint Edmund's, our mission is to serve as a beacon of hope and love, empowering individuals to deepen their relationship with God and one another. We strive to create a community where all are welcome, regardless of their background, beliefs, or life circumstances. Through worship, fellowship, and community service, we aim to uplift the hearts and minds of our congregation.

Worship Services

Join us for our uplifting and meaningful worship services, held every Sunday at 10:00 AM. Our services encompass the rich traditions of the Episcopal Church, blending liturgical reverence with spirited joy. Led by our dedicated clergy and talented musicians, our services inspire reflection, gratitude, and spiritual growth.

Whether you are a long-time Episcopal follower or new to the faith, our worship services offer a space for connection and communion. Experience the power of collective prayer, beautiful hymns, and engaging sermons that touch your heart and soul.

Fellowship and Community

Building a strong sense of community is at the heart of Saint Edmund's Episcopal Church. We believe in nurturing connections and supporting one another on our faith journeys. Through various fellowship activities and groups, we foster opportunities for meaningful engagement.

Our church offers Sunday School programs for children and youth, providing a safe and nurturing environment where they can explore their spirituality and learn valuable life lessons. Additionally, we organize adult Bible study groups, women's and men's fellowships, and social justice committees, encouraging deeper connections and understanding among our congregation.

Community Service

As followers of Christ, we are committed to serving our community and making a positive impact in Pacifica, California. Saint Edmund's Episcopal Church actively engages in various community service projects throughout the year. From partnering with local organizations to sponsoring outreach programs, we strive to address the needs of our neighbors and extend Christ's love to all.

Through our community service initiatives, we aim to create a more just and compassionate society. Join us in making a difference, as we unite in service and uplift those in need.

Visit Us

We warmly invite you to join us at Saint Edmund's Episcopal Church. Experience the warmth of our community, the beauty of our worship, and the transformative power of faith. We are located at 123 Main Street, Pacifica, California.

For more information about our services, events, and programs, please visit our website at Feel free to reach out to our friendly staff with any questions you may have.

Discover a Home for Your Faith

Saint Edmund's Episcopal Church in Pacifica, California welcomes you with open arms. Embrace a community dedicated to faith and beliefs, where spiritual growth, fellowship, and service thrive. Join us and embark on a transformative journey that will enrich your life and strengthen your connection with God and others.

Ken Hannah
Been looking for a welcoming and diverse spiritual community? Check out Saint Edmund's in Pacifica! 🙏🌈
Nov 10, 2023
Janet Stone
Such a welcoming and diverse spiritual community 🙏🌈
Oct 17, 2023